The United Party is a bottom-up, grass-roots-led, big-tent party established to return Canada to the bedrock values that built it and are required for the future social, economic and cultural health of this nation.
These bedrock values are rooted in Family (i.e. the authority of parents to raise their children), Security (personal and National), Prosperity, Classic Education, and Religious Freedom, that establishes the value of every individual life.
The United Party of Canada will serve the Canadian people first, re-establishing truth, justice, strength and freedom.
The United Party of Canada will return Canada to its lost moorings of Peace, Order, and Good Government as founded upon the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law as set out in the Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The United Party of Canada will restore the nation to its bedrock foundations of truth, justice and upright values. Are you ready?
Together, we will make Canada United, Strong, and Prosperous.
The United Party of Canada is committed to ALL Canadians, and to a better, brighter, future for Canada.
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