Governments that truly care about and are working for the people they serve should be concerned about the welfare and safety of all of their citizens. We do not currently see this being addressed by any Canadian political party in a way that would facilitate the protection of and for our country and communities.
We live in a world and a time where unprecedented events such as catastrophic storms, fires, floods, and extreme cold have unleashed devastation without warning and exceeded available emergency resources in communities and countries.
Canadians are known for stepping up in the void with their willingness and humanitarian assistance to help in hard-hit areas, both at home and abroad, as we have often seen and heard in the news.
We at the United Party of Canada believe that it is an important and necessary step to recognize and establish a solid network of concerned, willing, motivated Canadians interested in helping Canadians at the local level, who are willing to be called upon when there is a need in our country or communities.
We call our initiative the Emergency Community Response Network (ECRN).
The United Party of Canada is committed to ALL Canadians, and to a better, brighter, future for Canada.
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