The United Party of Canada is committed to ALL Canadians, and to a better, brighter, future for Canada.
In sending a donation, I confirm that:
1. I am a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada and this contribution is with my personal credit card and not a corporate credit card;
2. This contribution is not from a business account but from my personal funds;
3. The funds I am donating are from me and are not being provided by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution;
4. For contributions made by credit card that includes a donation on behalf of my spouse, this amount will be paid from our joint bank account.
NOTE: Effective January 1, 2024, the maximum allowable contribution per individual is a total of $1,725 for each registered Canadian political party. For more information about donations and tax credits, please visit the CRA website AND Elections Canada.
Download the Donation Form
United Party of Canada
P.O. Box 81015
RPO Lake Bonavista,
Calgary, AB
T2J 7C9
Copyright © 2024 United Party of Canada – All Rights Reserved. Authorized by the Chief Official Agent of the United Party of Canada.
Website created by APPKITT