Canada has been heading in the wrong direction for a very long time. Its governments and political parties have all failed Canadians in various ways, and to various degrees. Many problems and hardships were generated by governments and political establishments that were not working for the people of Canada. While other political parties in Canada pretended to offer us alternatives, they in truth, did not. This truth should be blatantly obvious to all Canadians who know of, and who have read the 2019 CSIS Report on foreign interference in Canada, a report that all existing parties in Canada “swept under the rug”. This truth should be reinforced further by anyone who has read Bills C-4, 11, 18, 26, 36 and 48.
The United Party of Canada is committed to lead Canada into a new and better future: one focused directly on serving, and on meeting the essential needs of ALL Canadians. We are completing work on a comprehensive vision, strategy, and plan that will lead us into a new and better Canada. This work will be released to the public when the work is completed, and ready to be released.
Together, we will make Canada United, Strong, and Prosperous.
The United Party of Canada is committed to ALL Canadians, and to a better, brighter, future for Canada.
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