Our focus will be the betterment of Canada, and the peace and prosperity of ALL Canadians. We will serve Canadians and we will work hard to meet their essential needs. We will be responsible to, and accountable to, the Canadians who elect us to lead them into a new and better future Canada. Our overall goal is consistent of those expressed in the Covenant of the First Peoples of Canada of 2006 which states:
We are committed to the restoration, advancement, and promotion of the moral and spiritual and political integrity of our society; and as friends and allies, we affirm to strengthen the bonds of love, mutual respect, honor, integrity and cooperation; and the following statements found in the Charter of Forgiveness and Freedom of 2010 which states:
We honour the inherent, equal, and inalienable rights of all people; and We affirm that all have a right to dignity, freedom, justice, and peaceful co-existence in Canada.
The United Party of Canada is a value driven organization.
The United Party is a bottom-up, grassroots led, big tent party, that was established to return Canada to the bedrock values that built it and are required for the future social, economic and cultural health of this nation.
These bedrock values are rooted in family (i.e. the authority of parents to raise their children), security (personal and national), prosperity, classic education, religious freedom that establishes the value of every individual life.
The United Party of Canada will serve the Canadian people first, re-establishing truth, justice, strength and freedom.
The United Party of Canada will return Canada to its lost moorings of peace order and good government as founded upon the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law as set out in the Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
We oppose:
1) The surrendering of our nation’s sovereignty by agreements with the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum. Canada will not become a post- nation state.
2) Carbon Tax and the sustainable development goals that are designed to impede the use and development of our natural resources that benefit Canadians.
3) The sexualization of our children and the normalization of pedophilia in our schools and our society.
Top 27 Policies for Change as taken from our Policy Platform.
Rights and Freedoms Policies:
1. Restore the freedom of speech, freedom of the press and Rule of Defund the CBC. Overhaul subsidies for media outlets.
2. Protect the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Establish new legislation to protect gun rights and Abolish the gun registry.
3. Reform the criminal code to protect people and their Re-establish in law the right of citizens to defend themselves, others and their property.
4. Restore the Hippocratic Oath (‘do no harm’) for Medical Doctors and Practitioners re- establishing the primary fiduciary duty to the patient and not the health service provider/employer. We will establish laws that respect the bodily autonomy of every Canadian to choose the medical treatments they determine for their health. We will recognize the Nuremberg Code; especially regarding ‘consent’ and the definition of ‘coercion’.
5. Prohibit the use of mandatory digital ID and currency.
6. Guarantee the use of cash as a negotiable instrument.
7. Establish a gold backed Canadian currency.
8. Dismantle Agenda 2030 at all levels of government and its encroachment on the rights of landowners.
Immigration Policies:
9. Implement a constructive immigration policy that alleviates the current housing, health, and social crisis for Canadians. Thereafter, limit Immigration to 50,000. – 100,000. permanent residents per year reviewing and adjusting this policy as part of a broader National Economic and Infrastructure Strategy. Limit refugees. Birth Tourism will be illegal. Revamp the immigration process to ensure compatibility with Canadian culture, values and traditions.
Economic Policies:
10. Cut the Carbon Tax and other polices that unnecessarily contribute to the cost of groceries, home heating, transportation, or education.
11. Secure our borders to protect our autonomy and protect our environment, exit agreements that compromise, or dilute, our national sovereignty or the wealth of Canadians.
12. Reform the Equalization Payments Formula to ensure cash transfers contribute to national cohesion and do not incentivize regional economies that are failing.
13. Establish a National Energy Corridor with new national transportation links. Release, trade, or sell crown land to provinces, or municipalities, as a mechanism to alleviate housing shortages. Remove, or mitigate, interprovincial trade barriers in conjunction with the provinces.
14. Protect and promote Canadian Agriculture and ensure Food Security for Incentvize non-GMO crops, specialty crops and small and medium size independent farms.
15. Reform inheritance tax provisions to make it easier to pass the family farm to children or relatives.
16. Require Canadian ownership of Agricultural land.
17. Nationalize critical infrastructure where it is in the interests of the Canadian people to do so.
18. No tax implications on cash tips and gratuities.
19. Remove Barriers to Interprovincial Trade.
20. Increase the personal federal tax exemption to $25,000.00 and at the age of 65 would shift to $50,000.00. Also, will establish a 10% Federal flat tax on income up to and including $125,000.00 and a flat tax rate of 20% on all income over $125,000.00. There will be a corporate tax rate of 12% with a 2% flow back to province of registration.
Family Policies:
21. Affirm the primacy of parental authority. Revoke Bill C-4 (Conversion Therapy). Promote adoption as a compassionate option for parents who are unable to care for a baby.
22. Incentivize the growth of Canadian families by introducing income splitting.
National Defence Policies:
23. Restore and strengthen the Canadian Armed Forces, so that it can protect Canadians, Canada’s interests (including the Arctic), and wage war if necessary. Undertake an external review by parliamentarians of the RCMP and CSIS.
24. Empower a Minister for Defence and Militia in Canada to establish community-based leadership, infrastructure and resources for stronger communities and regional security.
Governance Policies:
25. Eliminate the lawmaking powers to the Supreme Court ensuring elected parliamentarians are the only ones who may make or change the laws of Canada. This will eliminate the ability of courts and administration to make or change the laws of Canada.
26. Stop receipt granting status for Religious Charities in Canada within the framework of the Income Tax Act. This will stop religious organizations from funding terrorist groups as well as give charities back their voice.
Foreign Policies:
27. Cut overseas funding for abortions and lobbying of foreign governments.
Together, we will make Canada United, Strong, and Prosperous.
The United Party of Canada is committed to ALL Canadians, and to a better, brighter, future for Canada.
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